It's taken me a long time to get to a point where I no longer feel guilty, greedy, or silly for wanting wealth. Here are some reasons why I've made it essential to be on my way to total wealth and financial freedom now:
So I can feel great about myself. So I never have to worry about buying toothpaste or a new pair of jeans. So I can buy presents for loved ones and send them on time and not get anxiety about it. So that I can donate to organizations that improve people's lives and that offer me spiritual inspiration. So that I can free myself once and for all of a poverty/lack mentality and demonstrate to myself that all that I want to be true is true. So I can prove to myself that I am powerful and capable of providing for myself and creating life as I like it. Because I believe in the importance of my physical environments and so I can create enriching, inspired, inspiring and lavish surroundings for myself which support my desire to create. So I can do whatever I want whenever I want wherever I want. So I can feel free and open in the world. So my family and friends won't worry about me. Because if creating wealth is as easy as creating poverty, why wouldn't I choose the first? Because God did not create me and the earth and all resources for me to live in a shack and subsist on beans (unless I want to for fun). Because I want to partake in the lush bounty of life in all ways: physical, material, emotional, creative, spiritual, and mental. Because as long as I'm living life, why not live the best life, the finest life, the most exalted life? Because I have seen others obtain wealth and understand that whatever it was in them that garnered it exists in me, too. Because I want to dedicate my thought-time to the beautiful, the new, the elevating patterns of life, not to worrying about finances. Because I know I already have within me anything that could produce wealth and I will continue to uncover how the value I offer as an artist and creator translates into financial wealth for me and value to the marketplace. Because I know the talent, gifts and material in me exist now and only require being directed into the right channels in order for them to be received by others; that the joy this brings me is inside me and can be transmuted into actual dollars that go to support, sustain, and enrich me. Because I want a house (three, actually) and I want to travel and I want to feel great and look great and be great. Because I have distinct desires and I know they are a blueprint for how I am meant to live my life and what I am to do. Because God created my heart and my desires for their fulfillment. Because why not? If all is possible to she who believes, why not? Because it's easy to acquire wealth. Because money comes easily to me as support for the beautiful work I was born to do. Because I recognize and am grateful for all the ways I already am rich. Because wealth adds a fluidity, ease, and grace to my whole life and I am allowed this. May you prosper and become as wealthy as me, or more.
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